Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 1 :

First day of camp was awesome. We went to Camelot and have kayaking and rafting. The kayaking was fun. When we were having our briefing, it was so hot. After the briefing, we went kayak. Poly was my partner for the kayaking. We were having fun although our hands were fatigue. As we were kayaking, it started to rain. We were called back to the shore as it was getting heavier. Poly and I were slower than the others as our hands were very tired. We were the second last team to reach the shore. We were asked to get ready things for rafting. After that, we had lunch.

The lunch was great. After lunch, we went to pitch our tent and told by the facilitator our sleeping group. After that we had build our raft under the hot sun. It was rather hard to build a raft using 6 pole and 4 barrels and many many ropes. Our group, Remmie was so called the leader . He is seriously awesome. He know what are the steps to do to build a raft. And another awesome person in our team is Balqis. She know how to tie the ropes so that it will be quite secure. And my teammate learn from them and work together. After it was done, we pushed our raft and it was able to float. Although, in the end, our raft break apart and all of us fell off the raft. But before Poly and I fall off together, there was a mishap. Veraley's leg was stuck in between two pole. It took some time before she got out her leg between the two pole. During rafting, we learnt that teamwork is important. Without teamwork, we can't do the rafting. After rafting, we did outdoor cooking. After eating, we finally get bath. Then supper and after that we went to sleep. It is hot and it is super noisy.

Day 2:

I wake up 2 times, the first time was due to some inconsiderate people who say is time to wake up. I was rather tired as we sleep for only about 5 hour . The next morning, we unpitch the tent and kept them. We had breakfast and the noodles that we had was salty. After breakfast, we went to Sungei Buloh . It was kind of fun. So much better that last year! Went back to school and had lunch before starting on our Challenged Rope Course. I only try one high elements as i was afraid of height.. After that, i went to take photo . We had dinner after that. Dinner was horrible. We then went to prepare our skit. In Ellysa's group, we always had fun. After we prepared, we gather and learn some cheers and some parents came. During campfire, we had cheers and games. Went to bath and had supper. We wash up and went to sleep.

Day 3:

Wake up at 6. Couldn't wake up, too tired. Had breakfast which is again horrible. Some classmate had stomach ache . We went to music room, watch a clip . Went camp room learn first aid. After that, had some talk and went to lab for relection . Collect valuables and went home.

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